AWS - Lightsail Enum

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AWS - Lightsail

Amazon Lightsail provides an easy, lightweight way for new cloud users to take advantage of AWS’ cloud computing services. It allows you to deploy common and custom web services in seconds via VMs (EC2) and containers. It's a minimal EC2 + Route53 + ECS.


# Instances
aws lightsail get-instances #Get all
aws lightsail get-instance-port-states --instance-name <instance_name> #Get open ports

# Databases
aws lightsail get-relational-databases
aws lightsail get-relational-database-snapshots
aws lightsail get-relational-database-parameters

# Disk & snapshots
aws lightsail get-instance-snapshots
aws lightsail get-disk-snapshots
aws lightsail get-disks

# More
aws lightsail get-load-balancers
aws lightsail get-static-ips
aws lightsail get-key-pairs

Analyse Snapshots

It's possible to generate instance and relational database snapshots from lightsail. Therefore you can check those the same way you can check EC2 snapshots and RDS snapshots.


Metadata endpoint is accessible from lightsail, but the machines are running in an AWS account managed by AWS so you don't control what permissions are being granted. However, if you find a way to exploit those you would be directly exploiting AWS.


AWS - Lightsail Privesc

Post Exploitation

AWS - Lightsail Post Exploitation


AWS - Lightsail Persistence

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Last updated