Pentesting Cloud Methodology

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Basic Methodology

Each cloud has its own peculiarities but in general there are a few common things a pentester should check when testing a cloud environment:

  • Benchmark checks
    • This will help you understand the size of the environment and services used
    • It will allow you also to find some quick misconfigurations as you can perform most of this tests with automated tools
  • Services Enumeration
    • You probably won't find much more misconfigurations here if you performed correctly the benchmark tests, but you might find some that weren't being looked for in the benchmark test.
    • This will allow you to know what is exactly being used in the cloud env
    • This will help a lot in the next steps
  • Check exposed assets
    • This can be done during the previous section, you need to find out everything that is potentially exposed to the Internet somehow and how can it be accessed.
      • Here I'm taking manually exposed infrastructure like instances with web pages or other ports being exposed, and also about other cloud managed services that can be configured to be exposed (such as DBs or buckets)
    • Then you should check if that resource can be exposed or not (confidential information? vulnerabilities? misconfigurations in the exposed service?)
  • Check permissions
    • Here you should find out all the permissions of each role/user inside the cloud and how are they used
      • Too many highly privileged (control everything) accounts? Generated keys not used?... Most of these check should have been done in the benchmark tests already
      • If the client is using OpenID or SAML or other federation you might need to ask them for further information about how is being each role assigned (it's not the same that the admin role is assigned to 1 user or to 100)
    • It's not enough to find which users has admin permissions "*:*". There are a lot of other permissions that depending on the services used can be very sensitive.
      • Moreover, there are potential privesc ways to follow abusing permissions. All this things should be taken into account and as much privesc paths as possible should be reported.
  • Check Integrations
    • It's highly probably that integrations with other clouds or SaaS are being used inside the cloud env.
      • For integrations of the cloud you are auditing with other platform you should notify who has access to (ab)use that integration and you should ask how sensitive is the action being performed.
        For example, who can write in an AWS bucket where GCP is getting data from (ask how sensitive is the action in GCP treating that data).
      • For integrations inside the cloud you are auditing from external platforms, you should ask who has access externally to (ab)use that integration and check how is that data being used.
        For example, if a service is using a Docker image hosted in GCR, you should ask who has access to modify that and which sensitive info and access will get that image when executed inside an AWS cloud.

Multi-Cloud tools

There are several tools that can be used to test different cloud environments. The installation steps and links are going to be indicated in this section.


A tool to identify bad configurations and privesc path in clouds and across clouds/SaaS.

# You need to install and run neo4j also git clone cd PurplePanda python3 -m venv . source bin/activate python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt export PURPLEPANDA_NEO4J_URL="bolt://neo4j@localhost:7687" export PURPLEPANDA_PWD="neo4j_pwd_4_purplepanda" python3 -h # Get help


It supports AWS, GCP & Azure. Check how to configure each provider in

# Install pip install prowler prowler -v # Run prowler <provider> # Example prowler aws --profile custom-profile [-M csv json json-asff html] # Get info about checks & services prowler <provider> --list-checks prowler <provider> --list-services


AWS, Azure, Github, Google, Oracle, Alibaba

# Install git clone cd cloudsploit npm install ./index.js -h ## Docker instructions in github


AWS, Azure, GCP, Alibaba Cloud, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

mkdir scout; cd scout virtualenv -p python3 venv source venv/bin/activate pip install scoutsuite scout --help ## Using Docker:


Download and install Steampipe ( Or use Brew:

brew tap turbot/tap brew install steampipe


AWS, GCP, Azure, DigitalOcean.
It requires python2.7 and looks unmaintained.


Nessus has an Audit Cloud Infrastructure scan supporting: AWS, Azure, Office 365, Rackspace, Salesforce. Some extra configurations in Azure are needed to obtain a Client Id.


Cloudlist is a multi-cloud tool for getting Assets (Hostnames, IP Addresses) from Cloud Providers.

cd /tmp wget unzip chmod +x cloudlist sudo mv cloudlist /usr/local/bin


Cartography is a Python tool that consolidates infrastructure assets and the relationships between them in an intuitive graph view powered by a Neo4j database.

# Installation docker image pull docker run --platform linux/amd64 cartography --help ## Install a Neo4j DB version 3.5.*


Starbase collects assets and relationships from services and systems including cloud infrastructure, SaaS applications, security controls, and more into an intuitive graph view backed by the Neo4j database.

# You are going to need Node version 14, so install nvm following npm install --global yarn nvm install 14 git clone cd starbase nvm use 14 yarn install yarn starbase --help # Configure manually config.yaml depending on the env to analyze yarn starbase setup yarn starbase run # Docker git clone cd starbase cp config.yaml.example config.yaml # Configure manually config.yaml depending on the env to analyze docker build --no-cache -t starbase:latest . docker-compose run starbase setup docker-compose run starbase run


Discover the most privileged users in the scanned AWS or Azure environment, including the AWS Shadow Admins. It uses powershell.

Import-Module .\SkyArk.ps1 -force Start-AzureStealth # in the Cloud Console IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('') Scan-AzureAdmins

Cloud Brute

A tool to find a company (target) infrastructure, files, and apps on the top cloud providers (Amazon, Google, Microsoft, DigitalOcean, Alibaba, Vultr, Linode).


  • CloudFox is a tool to find exploitable attack paths in cloud infrastructure (currently only AWS & Azure supported with GCP upcoming).
  • It is an enumeration tool which is intended to compliment manual pentesting.
  • It doesn't create or modify any data within the cloud environment.

More lists of cloud security tools



GCP Pentesting


GWS - Workspace Pentesting


AWS Pentesting


Azure Pentesting

Attack Graph

Stormspotter creates an “attack graph” of the resources in an Azure subscription. It enables red teams and pentesters to visualize the attack surface and pivot opportunities within a tenant, and supercharges your defenders to quickly orient and prioritize incident response work.


You need Global Admin or at least Global Admin Reader (but note that Global Admin Reader is a little bit limited). However, those limitations appear in some PS modules and can be bypassed accessing the features via the web application.


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Learn & practice GCP Hacking: HackTricks Training GCP Red Team Expert (GRTE)

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