GCP - App Engine Post Exploitation

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App Engine

For information about App Engine check:

GCP - App Engine Enum

appengine.memcache.addKey | appengine.memcache.list | appengine.memcache.getKey | appengine.memcache.flush

With these permissions it's possible to:

  • Add a key

  • List keys

  • Get a key

  • Delete

However, I couldn't find any way to access this information from the cli, only from the web console where you need to know the Key type and the Key name, of from the app engine running app.

If you know easier ways to use these permissions send a Pull Request!


With this permission it's possible to see the logs of the App:

gcloud app logs tail -s <name>

Read Source Code

The source code of all the versions and services are stored in the bucket with the name staging.<proj-id>.appspot.com. If you have write access over it you can read the source code and search for vulnerabilities and sensitive information.

Modify Source Code

Modify source code to steal credentials if they are being sent or perform a defacement web attack.

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Last updated