AWS - SNS Privesc

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AWS - SNS Enum


An attacker could send malicious or unwanted messages to the SNS topic, potentially causing data corruption, triggering unintended actions, or exhausting resources.

aws sns publish --topic-arn <value> --message <value>

Potential Impact: Vulnerability exploitation, Data corruption, unintended actions, or resource exhaustion.


An attacker could subscribe or to an SNS topic, potentially gaining unauthorized access to messages or disrupting the normal functioning of applications relying on the topic.

aws sns subscribe --topic-arn <value> --protocol <value> --endpoint <value>

Potential Impact: Unauthorized access to messages (sensitve info), service disruption for applications relying on the affected topic.


An attacker could grant unauthorized users or services access to an SNS topic, potentially getting further permissions.

aws sns add-permission --topic-arn <value> --label <value> --aws-account-id <value> --action-name <value>

Potential Impact: Unauthorized access to the topic, message exposure, or topic manipulation by unauthorized users or services, disruption of normal functioning for applications relying on the topic.

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