GCP - Bigtable Enum

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A fully managed, scalable NoSQL database service for large analytical and operational workloads with up to 99.999% availability. Learn more.

# Cloud Bigtable
gcloud bigtable instances list
gcloud bigtable instances describe <instance>
gcloud bigtable instances get-iam-policy <instance>

## Clusters
gcloud bigtable clusters list
gcloud bigtable clusters describe <cluster>

## Backups
gcloud bigtable backups list --instance <INSTANCE>
gcloud bigtable backups describe --instance <INSTANCE> <backupname>
gcloud bigtable backups get-iam-policy --instance <INSTANCE> <backupname>

## Hot Tables
gcloud bigtable hot-tablets list

## App Profiles
gcloud bigtable app-profiles list --instance <INSTANCE>
gcloud bigtable app-profiles describe --instance <INSTANCE> <app-prof>
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