GCP - Orgpolicy Privesc

Support HackTricks



An attacker leveraging orgpolicy.policy.set can manipulate organizational policies, which will allow him to remove certain restrictions impeding specific operations. For instance, the constraint appengine.disableCodeDownload usually blocks downloading of App Engine source code. However, by using orgpolicy.policy.set, an attacker can deactivate this constraint, thereby gaining access to download the source code, despite it initially being protected.

# Get info
gcloud resource-manager org-policies describe <org-policy> [--folder <id> | --organization <id> | --project <id>]

# Disable
gcloud resource-manager org-policies disable-enforce <org-policy> [--folder <id> | --organization <id> | --project <id>]

A python script for this method can be found here.


Support HackTricks

Last updated