AWS - Accounts Unauthenticated Enum

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Account IDs

If you have a target there are ways to try to identify account IDs of accounts related to the target.


You create a list of potential account IDs and aliases and check them

# Check if an account ID exists
curl -v https://<acount_id>
## If response is 404 it doesn't, if 200, it exists
## It also works from account aliases
curl -v

You can automate this process with this tool.


Look for urls that contains <alias> with an alias related to the organization.


If a vendor has instances in the marketplace, you can get the owner id (account id) of the AWS account he used.


  • Public EBS snapshots (EC2 -> Snapshots -> Public Snapshots)

  • RDS public snapshots (RDS -> Snapshots -> All Public Snapshots)

  • Public AMIs (EC2 -> AMIs -> Public images)


Many AWS error messages (even access denied) will give that information.


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