AWS - Accounts Unauthenticated Enum

Learn AWS hacking from zero to hero with htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)!

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Account IDs

If you have a target there are ways to try to identify account IDs of accounts related to the target.


You create a lest of potential account IDs and aliases and check them

# Check if an account ID exists
curl -v https://<acount_id>
## If response is 404 it doesn't, if 200, it exists
## It also works from account aliases
curl -v

You can automate this process with this tool.


Look for urls that contains <alias> with an alias related to the organization.


If a vendor has instances in the marketplace, you can get the owner id (account id) of the AWS account he used.


  • Public EBS snapshots (EC2 -> Snapshots -> Public Snapshots)

  • RDS public snapshots (RDS -> Snapshots -> All Public Snapshots)

  • Public AMIs (EC2 -> AMIs -> Public images)


Many AWS error messages (even access denied) will give that information.


Learn AWS hacking from zero to hero with htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)!

Other ways to support HackTricks:

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