AWS - Cognito Persistence

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AWS - Cognito Enum

User persistence

Cognito is a service that allows to give roles to unauthenticated and authenticated users and to control a directory of users. Several different configurations can be altered to maintain some persistence, like:

  • Adding a User Pool controlled by the user to an Identity Pool

  • Give an IAM role to an unauthenticated Identity Pool and allow Basic auth flow

    • Or to an authenticated Identity Pool if the attacker can login

    • Or improve the permissions of the given roles

  • Create, verify & privesc via attributes controlled users or new users in a User Pool

  • Allowing external Identity Providers to login in a User Pool or in an Identity Pool

Check how to do these actions in

AWS - Cognito Privesc


An attacker with this privilege could modify the risk configuration to be able to login as a Cognito user without having alarms being triggered. Check out the cli to check all the options:

aws cognito-idp set-risk-configuration --user-pool-id <pool-id> --compromised-credentials-risk-configuration EventFilter=SIGN_UP,Actions={EventAction=NO_ACTION}

By default this is disabled:

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