AWS - Organizations Enum

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Baisc Information

AWS Organizations facilitates the creation of new AWS accounts without incurring additional costs. Resources can be allocated effortlessly, accounts can be efficiently grouped, and governance policies can be applied to individual accounts or groups, enhancing management and control within the organization.

Key Points:

  • New Account Creation: AWS Organizations allows the creation of new AWS accounts without extra charges.

  • Resource Allocation: It simplifies the process of allocating resources across the accounts.

  • Account Grouping: Accounts can be grouped together, making management more streamlined.

  • Governance Policies: Policies can be applied to accounts or groups of accounts, ensuring compliance and governance across the organization.

You can find more information in:

AWS - Basic Information
# Get Org
aws organizations describe-organization
aws organizations list-roots

# Get OUs, from root and from other OUs
aws organizations list-organizational-units-for-parent --parent-id r-lalala
aws organizations list-organizational-units-for-parent --parent-id ou-n8s9-8nzv3a5y

# Get accounts
## List all the accounts without caring about the parent
aws organizations list-accounts
## Accounts from a parent
aws organizations list-accounts-for-parent --parent-id r-lalala
aws organizations list-accounts-for-parent --parent-id ou-n8s9-8nzv3a5y

# Get basic account info
## You need the permission iam:GetAccountSummary
aws iam get-account-summary



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