AWS - ECS Unauthenticated Enum

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AWS - ECS Enum

Publicly Accessible Security Group or Load Balancer for ECS Services

A misconfigured security group that allows inbound traffic from the internet ( or ::/0) to the Amazon ECS services could expose the AWS resources to attacks.

# Example of detecting misconfigured security group for ECS services
aws ec2 describe-security-groups --query 'SecurityGroups[?IpPermissions[?contains(IpRanges[].CidrIp, ``) || contains(Ipv6Ranges[].CidrIpv6, `::/0`)]]'

# Example of detecting a publicly accessible load balancer for ECS services
aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --query 'LoadBalancers[?Scheme == `internet-facing`]'
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