AWS - CloudWatch Enum

Learn AWS hacking from zero to hero with htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)!

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CloudWatch collects monitoring and operational data in the form of logs/metrics/events providing a unified view of AWS resources, applications and services. CloudWatch Log Event have a size limitation of 256KB on each log line. It can set high resolution alarms, visualize logs and metrics side by side, take automated actions, troubleshoot issues, and discover insights to optimize applications.

You can monitor for example logs from CloudTrail. Events that are monitored:

CloudWatch Logs

Allows to aggregate and monitor logs from applications and systems from AWS services (including CloudTrail) and from apps/systems (CloudWatch Agent can be installed on a host). Logs can be stored indefinitely (depending on the Log Group settings) and can be exported.


Log Group

A collection of log streams that share the same retention, monitoring, and access control settings

Log Stream

A sequence of log events that share the same source

Subscription Filters

Define a filter pattern that matches events in a particular log group, send them to Kinesis Data Firehose stream, Kinesis stream, or a Lambda function

CloudWatch Monitoring & Events

CloudWatch basic aggregates data every 5min (the detailed one does that every 1 min). After the aggregation, it checks the thresholds of the alarms in case it needs to trigger one. In that case, CLoudWatch can be prepared to send an event and perform some automatic actions (AWS lambda functions, SNS topics, SQS queues, Kinesis Streams)

Agent Installation

You can install agents inside your machines/containers to automatically send the logs back to CloudWatch.

  • Create a role and attach it to the instance with permissions allowing CloudWatch to collect data from the instances in addition to interacting with AWS systems manager SSM (CloudWatchAgentAdminPolicy & AmazonEC2RoleforSSM)

  • Download and install the agent onto the EC2 instance ( You can download it from inside the EC2 or install it automatically using AWS System Manager selecting the package AWS-ConfigureAWSPackage

  • Configure and start the CloudWatch Agent

A log group has many streams. A stream has many events. And inside of each stream, the events are guaranteed to be in order.



# Dashboards
aws cloudwatch list-dashboards
aws cloudwatch get-dashboard --dashboard-name <dashboard_name>

# Alarms
aws cloudwatch describe-alarms
aws cloudwatch describe-alarm-history
aws cloudwatch describe-alarms-for-metric --metric-name <metric_name> --namespace <namespace>
aws cloudwatch describe-alarms-for-metric --metric-name IncomingLogEvents --namespace AWS/Logs

# Anomaly Detections
aws cloudwatch describe-anomaly-detectors
aws cloudwatch describe-insight-rules

# Logs
aws logs tail "<log_group_name>" --follow
aws logs get-log-events --log-group-name "<log_group_name>" --log-stream-name "<log_stream_name>" --output text > <output_file>

# Events enumeration
aws events list-rules
aws events describe-rule --name <name>
aws events list-targets-by-rule --rule <name>
aws events list-archives
aws events describe-archive --archive-name <name>
aws events list-connections
aws events describe-connection --name <name>
aws events list-endpoints
aws events describe-endpoint --name <name>
aws events list-event-sources
aws events describe-event-source --name <name>
aws events list-replays
aws events list-api-destinations
aws events list-event-buses


Learn AWS hacking from zero to hero with htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)!

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