Azure Queue Storage is 'n diens in Microsoft se Azure wolkplatform wat ontwerp is vir boodskapkwotasie tussen toepassingskomponente, wat asynchrone kommunikasie en ontkoppeling moontlik maak. Dit laat jou toe om 'n onbeperkte aantal boodskappe te stoor, elk tot 64 KB in grootte, en ondersteun operasies soos die skep en verwyder van kwotasies, die toevoeging, opvraging, opdatering en verwydering van boodskappe, sowel as die bestuur van metadata en toegangbeleide. Terwyl dit tipies boodskappe in 'n eerste-in-eerste-uit (FIFO) manier verwerk, word streng FIFO nie gewaarborg nie.
# You need to know the --account-name of the storage (az storage account list)azstoragequeuelist--account-name<storage_account># Queue Metadataazstoragequeuemetadatashow--name<queue_name>--account-name<storage_account>#Get ACLazstoragequeuepolicylist--queue-name<queue_name>--account-name<storage_account># Get Messages (getting a message deletes it)azstoragemessageget--queue-name<queue_name>--account-name<storage_account># Peek Messagesazstoragemessagepeek--queue-name<queue_name>--account-name<storage_account>
# Get the Storage Context$storageAccount = Get-AzStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName QueueResourceGroup -Name queuestorageaccount1994$ctx = $storageAccount.Context# Set Variables for Storage Account$storageAccountName = "queuestorageaccount"# List QueuesGet-AzStorageQueue-Context $context$queueName = "myqueue"# Retrieve a specific queue$queue = Get-AzStorageQueue -Name $queueName -Context $context$queue # Show the properties of the queue# Retrieve the access policies for the queue$accessPolicies = Get-AzStorageQueueStoredAccessPolicy -Context $context -QueueName $queueName$accessPolicies# Peek Messages$queueMessage = $queue.QueueClient.PeekMessage()$queueMessage.Value# Set the amount of time you want to entry to be invisible after read from the queue# If it is not deleted by the end of this time, it will show up in the queue again$visibilityTimeout = [System.TimeSpan]::FromSeconds(10)# Read the messages from the queue, then show the contents of the messages.$queueMessage = $queue.QueueClient.ReceiveMessages(1,$visibilityTimeout)$queueMessage.Value