# Get basic info
aws securityhub describe-hub
# Get securityhub org config
aws securityhub describe-organization-configuration #If the current account isn't the security hub admin, you will get an error
# Get the configured admin for securityhub
aws securityhub get-administrator-account
aws securityhub get-master-account # Another way
aws securityhub list-organization-admin-accounts # Another way
# Get enabled standards
aws securityhub get-enabled-standards
# Get the findings
aws securityhub get-findings
# Get insights
aws securityhub get-insights
# Get Automation rules (must be from the admin account)
aws securityhub list-automation-rules
# Get members (must be from the admin account)
aws securityhub list-members
aws securityhub get-members --account-ids <acc-id>