GCP - Post Exploitation

Table of Contents


In this section, we will explore post-exploitation techniques specific to Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Once an attacker gains unauthorized access to a GCP environment, they can perform various actions to further compromise the system and maintain persistence.

Post Exploitation Techniques

1. Privilege Escalation

Privilege escalation refers to the process of elevating the attacker's privileges within the compromised GCP environment. This allows the attacker to gain higher levels of access and control over the system. Some common privilege escalation techniques include:

  • Exploiting misconfigurations or vulnerabilities in GCP services.

  • Exploiting weak or reused credentials.

  • Exploiting insecure default settings.

  • Exploiting privilege escalation vulnerabilities in the operating system or applications running on GCP.

2. Lateral Movement

Lateral movement involves the attacker moving laterally within the compromised GCP environment to gain access to other resources or systems. This allows the attacker to expand their control and access sensitive data or perform further attacks. Some common lateral movement techniques include:

  • Exploiting trust relationships between different GCP services or resources.

  • Exploiting weak access controls or misconfigurations in GCP services.

  • Exploiting vulnerabilities in applications or services running on GCP to gain access to other systems.

3. Data Exfiltration

Data exfiltration refers to the unauthorized extraction of data from the compromised GCP environment. Attackers may exfiltrate sensitive data for various purposes, such as selling it on the dark web or using it for further attacks. Some common data exfiltration techniques include:

  • Copying sensitive data to external storage or cloud services.

  • Using command and control (C2) channels to transfer data to an external server.

  • Using covert channels or steganography techniques to hide data within legitimate traffic.

4. Persistence

Persistence involves maintaining access and control over the compromised GCP environment even after the initial breach has been detected and remediated. Attackers use various techniques to ensure their continued presence within the system. Some common persistence techniques include:

  • Creating backdoors or hidden user accounts.

  • Modifying system configurations or startup scripts.

  • Leveraging scheduled tasks or cron jobs to maintain access.

  • Using rootkits or other stealthy techniques to hide their presence.


Post-exploitation techniques in GCP can be used by attackers to further compromise a system and maintain persistence. It is crucial for organizations to implement strong security measures and regularly monitor their GCP environments to detect and mitigate any unauthorized access or malicious activities.

Last updated