AWS - ElastiCache

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AWS ElastiCache 是一个完全托管的内存数据存储和缓存服务,为应用程序提供高性能、低延迟和可扩展的解决方案。它支持两种流行的开源内存引擎:Redis 和 Memcached。ElastiCache 简化了这些引擎的设置管理维护,使开发人员能够卸载诸如配置、打补丁、监控和备份等耗时任务。


# ElastiCache clusters
## Check the SecurityGroups to later check who can access
## In Redis clusters: Check AuthTokenEnabled to see if you need password
## In memcache clusters: You can find the URL to connect
aws elasticache describe-cache-clusters

# List all ElastiCache replication groups
## Find here the accesible URLs for Redis clusters
aws elasticache describe-replication-groups

#List all ElastiCache parameter groups
aws elasticache describe-cache-parameter-groups

#List all ElastiCache security groups
## If this gives an error it's because it's using SGs from EC2
aws elasticache describe-cache-security-groups

#List all ElastiCache subnet groups
aws elasticache describe-cache-subnet-groups

# Get snapshots
aws elasticache describe-snapshots

# Get users and groups
aws elasticache describe-user-groups
aws elasticache describe-users

# List ElastiCache events
aws elasticache describe-events

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